Do You Suffer From Migraines, Jaw Pain, Clicking, or Difficulty Chewing?
Did you know that physiotherapy and massage therapy can treat a variety of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunctions and disorders (TMD). The TMJ is a hinge joint just in front of the ears that is controlled by a variety of different muscles and allows you to talk, chew, yawn — essentially open and close your mouth.
TMD encompasses a variety of different problems that can occur to that joint. Symptoms can present as direct pain to the joint, clicking, reduced movement (opening or closing), as well as referred pain to the face, neck, and headaches /migraines.
Whether this issue is something new, or you have been experiencing clicking and pain for years, we widget-areacan help!
Oral Ties
Back in June, Dr. Ashley Slovack from Broadway Dental presented at Vangool Wellness on Oral/Tongue ties and how they affect our sleep, breathing, growth and development. This can impact individuals at all ages and stages of life and be the reason for sleep obstructive disorders, neck and jaw pain, headaches/migraines and so much more. As physiotherapist, we work closely with Dental Partners within the city to help assess, treat, and refer for oral/tongue ties.
If you missed the presentation and would like to learn more, contact us and we will send you a recording of the presentation.